The Heron's Nest

Volume XVII, Number 2: June 2015

Haiku — page 10

my son changes into
pajamas with a cape

Chad Lee Robinson
Pierre, South Dakota

ancient temple—
the guide's voice lost
amid selfie clicks

Yesha Shah
Surat, India

demolished houses—
a cricket's song

Rita Odeh
Nazareth, Israel

moon in the pines
I lather what's left
of the soap

Glenn G. Coats
Prospect, Virginia

swinging bridge
raindrops hang
on the tips of ferns

Barbara Snow
Eugene, Oregon

evening fog
antlers ghosting through
the coulee

Debbie Strange
Winnipeg, Manitoba

debating Rothko's
use of red

Mark E. Brager
Columbia, Maryland

taking down
the lost cat flyers
first frost

Hannah Mahoney
Cambridge, Massachusetts

wild horse muster
steaming flanks
in a biting frost

Elaine Riddell
Hamilton, Waikato
New Zealand

night wind
a freight train's horn
blows through my dream

Barb Behrendt
Cambridge, Minnesota

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