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Favorites from 2004

The Heron’s Nest


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VII, Number 1: March, 2005.
Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Index of Poets • 
Haiku Pages:  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11
Haiku for Elizabeth - Pages:  1,  2,  3 • 
Elizabeth Searle Lamb Memorial - Index of Contributors



Memorial Poems


Jim Kacian

Francine Porad

Raffael de Gruttola

Michael Dylan Welch

George Swede

Paul David Mena

Paul MacNeil

Naomi Y. Brown

Paul O. Williams

Fay Aoyagi

Ferris Gilli

Lenard D. Moore

Michael McClintock

Christopher Herold

Marian Olson

Robert Gilliland

Peggy Willis Lyles

George Dorsty

halfway through a life
with chrysanthemums

Jim Kacian


Afternoon of a Faun
       snow sparkles
              in the arroyo

Raffael de Gruttola


The old wind chimes
in the basement for winter
tinkle from my sigh

George Swede


tree-filtered moon
the night wind
in a leafpile

Paul MacNeil


gone then?
cherry petals fall away
in the rain

Paul O. Williams


her gentle passing . . .
a robin flock settles
on the front porch

Ferris Gilli


this is how life is —
hearing the cricket at dawn
just as it ceases

Michael McClintock


if someone should ask
tell them she loved
ginger snaps and tea

Marian Olson


a ripple
reaches the pond’s edge —

Peggy Willis Lyles



warm hand held tightly
         dream of a maple seedling
         ready for planting

Francine Porad


her last breath . . .
the strings vibrating
on her dusty harp

Michael Dylan Welch


news of her death —
winter moon descending
beyond the trees

Paul David Mena


she is gone . . .
     the soft call
     of a mourning dove

Naomi Y. Brown


raining —
I discuss tomorrow
with falling petals

Fay Aoyagi


no night clouds —
just the numbing news
of her crossing over

Lenard D. Moore


quiet arroyo
the song borne somewhere else
by wind

Christopher Herold


the rain-muffled cries
of returning geese

Robert Gilliland


I pause
halfway up the stair . . .
because she has paused

George Dorsty



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