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Favorites from 2004

The Heron’s Nest


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VII, Number 1: March, 2005.
Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Index of Poets • 
Haiku Pages:  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11
Haiku for Elizabeth - Pages:  1,  2,  3 • 
Elizabeth Searle Lamb Memorial - Index of Contributors

Kirsty Karkow

Maury Joseph

Sue Stanford

Jack Murray

Margarita Engle

David Gershator

Carlos Colon

Carolyn Hall

Peter Yovu

Allen McGill

wind in the pines
never have I dreamed
of sleeping alone

Kirsty Karkow


out of hospital —
the summer grasses
up to my chin

Sue Stanford


rose garden
I’ve forgotten which one
is called Peace

Margarita Engle


summer night
a baby changed
on the hood of a Chevy

Carlos Colon


no moon —
on my knees I promise her
a glowworm

Peter Yovu



sleeping alone —
I begin to learn
the cricket’s song

Maury Joseph


their hands lightly touch
at the nursing home picnic
a raindrop or two

Jack Murray


another wish —
puffballs ripe
for the wind

David Gershator


in a foreign tongue
summer stars

Carolyn Hall


shooting star
conversation halts
around the campfire

Allen McGill



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