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Favorites from 2006

Illustration Contest Results

The Heron’s Nest


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Volume IX, Number 4: December, 2007.
Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Index of Poets • 
Haiku Pages:  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12

Alice Frampton

Patricia Benedict

Andrea Grillo

Richard Straw

William Cullen, Jr.

Victor Ortiz

Cindy Zackowitz

Cindy Zackowitz

LeRoy Gorman

Laryalee Fraser

birdsong . . .
a blind child touches
my smile

Alice Frampton


flowering clover
slows my mowing
bee after bee

Andrea Grillo


big top
a white moth passing
under the trapeze

William Cullen, Jr.


a flip-flop
in the middle of the street —
the heat

Cindy Zackowitz


amid placards
pigeons settle
for crumbs

LeRoy Gorman



chasing the puppy
chasing the wind
white butterflies

Patricia Benedict


clipped grass
a rabbit keeps an eye on
Saint Francis

Richard Straw


summer camp
children play
with sunlight

Victor Ortiz


longest day —
a mosquito finds
my ear

Cindy Zackowitz


evening news —
each cloud carries
part of the sunset

Laryalee Fraser



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