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Favorites from 2003

The Heron’s Nest

a haikai journal ...


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VI, Number 9: October, 2004.
Copyright © 2004. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Haiku Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Index of Poets

Angelee Deodhar

Kay Grimnes

Gary Steinberg

Robert Bauer

Carolyn Hall

H. Gene Murtha

Francis Masat

Mike Blottenberger

Kay F. Anderson

George Dorsty

evensong —
from the flooded field
a fullthroated frog

Angelee Deodhar


thunderhead —
a plume of smoke
from the old salt’s mouth

Gary Steinberg


summer solstice
the measuring tape reels back
into its case

Carolyn Hall


a hawk’s shrill
above the sunlit meadow —
empty mailbox

Francis Masat


between a rock
and a hard place . . .
the oncologist’s fish

Kay F. Anderson



singing gondolier
the passengers’
fixed smiles

Kay Grimnes


the long day —
a mason drizzles mortar
between flagstones

Robert Bauer


Berlin Wall
a smooth stone
in my pocket

H. Gene Murtha


doctor’s waiting room —
each patient examined
by a fly

Mike Blottenberger


still alive!
a distant neighbor’s
summer-blooming maple

George Dorsty



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