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Favorites from 2003

The Heron’s Nest

a haikai journal ...


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VI, Number 4: May, 2004.
Copyright © 2004. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Haiku Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Index of Poets

H. Gene Murtha

Cindy Zackowitz

Connie Donleycott

Greg Piko

Deborah P. Kolodji

Gary Hotham

Michael McClintock

LeRoy Gorman

Glenn G. Coats

Michael Dylan Welch

first warm day
a hermit thrush
pumps its tail

H. Gene Murtha


spring festival
sunlight haloes
the baby’s hair

Connie Donleycott


half-blown dandelion
my neighbor’s daughter
moves back in

Deborah P. Kolodji


Tomb of the Unknown —
bird shadows
in sudden flight

Michael McClintock


wet road
a shepherd watching me
slow down

Glenn G. Coats



scattered sun —
one chickadee louder
than the rest

Cindy Zackowitz


a child bride
bows her head
the whitest peony

Greg Piko


nowhere else
but the next flower —
afternoon butterfly

Gary Hotham


before & after
paying respects
a smoker in the rain

LeRoy Gorman


tripod holes
in the creekside mud —
Yosemite dawn

Michael Dylan Welch



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