red wine
all the memories
a glass can hold
John Soules
Wingham, Ontario, Canada
first year away
Christmas lights
on a docked ship
Jamey Stevenson
Dundee, Scotland
a blank page sheltering the sky
Eve Luckring
Los Angeles, California
my touchy mood
pieces of cracked shell
stuck to the egg
Michele Root-Bernstein
East Lansing, Michigan
bonsai tree—
the length
of our lives
Carmi Soifer
Suquamish, Washington
a long flight
getting to forget
the person beside me
LeRoy Gorman
Napanee, Ontario, Canada
with nowhere left to turn wind song
Angela Terry
Lake Forest Park, Washington
dusk inching in the rabbit
Jeff Stillman
Norwich, New York
to miss a flattened cat
New Year's day
Bob Lucky
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Maine winter—
the young maples girdled
by mouse teeth
Kirsty Karkow
Waldoboro, Maine