The Heron's Nest

Volume XVII, Number 3: September 2015

Haiku — page 11

day of discontent—
the crows nominate

Sanjuktaa Asopa
Karnataka, India

the warmth
of mismatched gloves
first snowfall

Alan Summers
Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire

winter solstice—
the forest's empty treetops
filled with stars

Tomislav Maretic
Zagreb, Croatia

the way his story

Carolyn Hall
San Francisco, California

rustle of silk—
embroidered peacocks dance
on her saree

Arvinder Kaur
Chandigarh, India

there are times
when we are graced

Alan Summers
Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire

church service
in a different language
lingering smell of incense

Madhuri Pillai
Melbourne, Australia

long journey...
I open the bus's curtain
to a starlit sky

K. Ramesh
Chennai, India

the howling wind...
bare branches furred
with ice

Brad Bennett
Arlington, Massachusetts

a ladder
leans into the loft
winter light

Susan Constable
Parksville, British Columbia


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